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Tony Deifell
Co-Founder, The Muse Factory

As an entrepreneur-in-residence at Innovation Endeavors, an Eric Schmidt-backed VC Firm in Palo Alto, Tony co-founded The Muse Factory, a startup that is building a social gift-giving platform—a virtual surprise party called, "AwesomeBox."

Previously, Tony ran Q Media Labs, which produced The Big Thaw, a major strategy project on the future of journalism, and created "the hottest team-building meme" in Silicon Valley according to WIRED Magazine (a social media project called, "wdydwyd?").

Tony founded and led for eight years the Institute for Public Media Arts, a company that promoted "user-generated content" before there was a label for it. His work received recognition by the White House as a best practice. Tony subsequently served as KaBOOM!'s Chief Strategist, where he designed its growth strategy and national advocacy platform "Playful Cities USA" (now in 151 cities). Harvard Business School wrote a case study about his work at KaBOOM!.

In 2007, Chronicle Books published Tony's award-winning book about blind photographers, Seeing Beyond Sight, which was in the NYTimes Book Review, LATimes and called "savvy, passionate, witty, and yes, beautiful."

Tony was a National Leadership Fellow with the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and earned an MBA from Harvard Business School where he started "The Portrait Project" to promote reflective leadership. In 2008, Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (his undergraduate alma mater), selected Tony for its "Distinguished Young Alumnus Award"—a distinction he holds in common with former FCC Chairman, Congressman, founder of Hulu and sports stars Mia Hamm & Michael Jordan.


"Seeing & Innovation"

The Entrepreneurial Journey:
beginning the work at Innovation Endeavors

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